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Kiss Kiss

ELEL - Geode

Meredith tells Maggie how happy she is; Owen watches Amelia sleep; Weber begins to give a tour of the hospital to a group of kids; Owen & Derek talk about his return; Derek & Amelia talk to the kids.

Was There Nothing?

Asgeir - In the Silence

Meredith tells Bailey she got her the liver she need; Meredith works on Brett & Pete's organ donations after getting the liver; Bailey & Ben work on Jared; Owen watches as the organs are shipped out.

Cap Gun

Left Hand Smoke - Tiny Revolution

While at the Emerald City Bar, Stephanie & Jo drink as Stephanie tells Jo about Nick and him being a teenage volunteer for his sisters class which cause Jo to vigorously laugh at the situation.

Mercy! You Need Saving

Neulore - Animal Evolve

Avery tells April that he wants to pass on what Sloan taught him; Derek tells Amelia he doesn't want to keep missing things in his life then she admits she's scared she's falling in love with Owen.  

Was There Nothing?


Meredith tells Bailey she got her the liver she need; Meredith works on Brett & Pete's organ donations after getting the liver; Bailey & Ben work on Jared; Owen watches as the organs are shipped out.

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