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Mindy Gledhill

Dakota leaving from Jane's house and giving Kate the ultimatum.

You And Me

Ben Rector

End of the episode. rita say ben goodbye.

On Your Collarbone

Jordan Klassen - St. Brigid - EP

jane talk to ben in school about the their mom's possibility to leave with dacota.


Nadia Fay

Plane view over NY followed by scene of Eli and Jane at the restaurant.

Mourning Dove

Green Pitch - Asleep Awake Alert

Eli and Jane getting Hot Dogs, before kissing with traffic in the background.

Better with You

Adrianne Serna - Let It Shine

The opening scene after the credits, when Billy comes to Jane's house and helps her with her dress.

Don't Stop

The Young Goulets ft. Dreamboat Money

The final scene, where Jane realizes she's all alone and dances in her house.

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