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The War

Haux - All We've Known - EP

Nova arrives for her visit with Robert as she travels down the escalator she finds Robert waits at the bottom holding a "Queen" sign.

Sour Mango

Gabriel Garzon-Montano - Jardín

Robert and Nova pull into a garage to park, Robert tells her he's glad she's there and that he's wanted her there and now.


Perera Elsewhere - All of This

At the High Yellow, after Charley assures the farmers that the mill isn't a fly-by-night for her Prosper leads himself, her, Violet and the farmers in prayer of a bright and better future.

Ticking Bomb

Aloe Blacc - Lift Your Spirit

The farmers leave the High Yellow, Charley and Vi begin to clean up; Davis stands stocked at Micah; Vi faints, Charley and Hollywood rush to help her; Robert comes out to talk to Nova; Vi returns to receive medical care instead telling Charley to fix things with Ralph Angel and Nova that's what causing her issues.

Way of the World

Heylady - About Time

Marlene advises Ralph-Angel breakup with Darla if he doesn't plan to be conducive to her soberity; Charley congrats Darla on her soberity and tells her she still has her job; Ralph-Angel and Charley discuss his paycheck, parol and the farm.

American Dream

Global - Made, Vol. 12

Micah listens to much as he broods in this room when Davis comes to talk to him, when Micah acts out with disrespect Davis tells him to turn off the music so that they can talk about his actions.

Tuesday Fresh Cuts

Bree Tranter - Another Night on Earth

Nova wraps her hair when Robert stops by, he tells her he understands why she left then shows her the plan formed from all the information he got from people like Timothy North, they kiss; Charley waits for Remy to arrive.

Shades of Love

Desi Valentine - Through the Lens

Charley confronts Remy about his recent attuide towards her then tells him she wants to be with him, they kiss; Ralph-Angel suprises Darla with a romantic display and tells her he wants be with her.

Strange Motions (feat. Willow Stephens)

Andy Mineo - Uncomfortable

Robert's realizes Nova moves to the backseat and he smiles, opens the door and joins her.

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