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The Break

Danny McCarthy,Thomas Dill - Electro Score

« Samedi 14h34 - Pas si hétéro que ça », when Lucas is searching Eliott on Instagram and Chloe send an invitation to him.

Don't Stop

SaraoMusic - Sounds of Adrenaline

Eliott plays a dubstep track on his record player and jams out. They discuss Lucas’ taste in rock music and Lucas says he is open to discovering new things.

I Love You


Song Lucas plays on the piano

Glamour Monsters

Brice Montessuit - Swag Girls & Pop Songs

Imane tells the teacher that Lucas has brought tampons for her.

Vertiginous News

Isabelle Mathis - Emotional Piano Stories

At the end, Lucas sees Eliott kissing his girlfriend; End credits.

Glamour Monsters

Brice Montessuit & Charles Caste-Ballereau - Swag Girls & Pop Songs

Imane tells the teacher that Lucas has brought tampons for her.

Soaring Light

Michael Holborn - Fluorescent Blooms

Lucas watches 'Polaris' animation.

For You

The Fold & Thomas Geiger

« Vendredi 18h53 - Découvrir de nouvelles choses », at the beginning when Lucas and Eliott are talking during smoking

It Just Don't Stop

Rob Khurana - Deep Kick: EDM & Dubstep

Eliott puts on the record player.

Bye is Not Goodbye

Richard Birkin

Lucas walks into school and finds Eliott's name in the class notebook

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Song previews provided courtesy of Apple Music and Spotify.