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Piccolo piccolo


Bert runs into Mia and Lucia when entering his room, while Tanya and her daughter meet with a group of gay men at a bar.

Y'en a qui font ça

Sacha Distel

Portia and Tanya sit with Quentin for a drink while Albie heads to the pool area where he sees Portia talking with Jack.

Un anno d'amore


Tanya confides in Quentin about her life and past mistakes.

Dolce Vita

La Cantina

Quentin and Tanya talk about her string of bad luck, and she expresses her concerns about being "doomed."

L-o-v-e (L Is For The Way You Look At Me)


Portia and Tanya have dinner together at the restaurant.

A marechiare


Mia requests Valentina to let her take Giuseppe’s place for the night after he is taken to the hospital.

Ti Ruberò

Bruno Lauzi

Jack and Portia order drinks at the bar while Mia and Lucia teach Albie Italian hand gestures.

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