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No Tomorrow

Ty Frankel

Felice takes selfies as hangs out with Stella and Fredrika when spots Wilhelm alone.


Mega Drive

As Ayub and Rosh game, Simon tells them about joining the rowing team at Hillerska.


Yung Titties

Wilhelm and Simon do schoolwork; Felice watches Wilhelm as she, Madison, Fredrika, Sara and Stella as they study; August arrives to the study session and sits with Wilhelm and Simon.

Drama King

Matti Bye

August has a early morning work out session; Sara rides Rousseau at the stable corrals; At the dorms, Wilhelm browses Simon's IG page when August burst into his room.


Catalynx - Galaxies - EP

Rosh dances as Ayub, Simon and Wilhelm cheer her own; Simon takes video of Wilhelm enjoying time away from the school.

Getting Up

Matti Bye

Wilhelm joins August, Simon and the others from the rowing crew for a morning workout session.

Harmony Theme

Matti Bye

August takes one his late Adderall pills; August "bumps" into Sara at the school library.


Matti Bye

Wilhelm and Simon share a proper kiss after Wilhelm panics at Simon's closeness.

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