Laura Marano - A Cinderella Story: Christmas Wish (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) - EP
Kat sings in her room while looking at her snow globe, then is interrupted by her stepmom.
APM Christmas Classics Ensemble - A Little Christmas
00:04 Mr. Mujiza yells at Kat for being late to her job as a Christmas Elf.
Laura Marano, Isabella Gomez, Jordyn Kane
00:07 Kat and Dominic stop to watch Isla and some other elves performing a song, then Kat goes up to join them.
00:12 Montage of Kat doing chores around the house and working on the invitations.
Laura Marano - Everybody Loves Christmas (From a Cinderella Story: Christmas Wish) - Single
00:13 Kat sings in her room while looking at her snow globe, then is interrupted by her stepmom.
00:26 Isla and Kat perform a Holiday Gram for a pair of seniors.
00:28 Kat and Isla get a door slammed in their face while performing a Holiday Gram.
00:28 Kat arrives home with Chinese food and discovers her step family decorated for Christmas without her.
Mark Roberts, Paul Fletcher & Patrick Sturrock - Christmas
00:30 Dominic walks in on Kat and Isla hugging, then he asks if he can do anything to help Kat.
Dion Howell, Derek Lewars & Duffy Sylvander - Lolly Pop
00:53 Dominic's friends express disbelief over him liking someone over Skylar; the doorbell rings announcing Kat's arrival.
01:08 Kat tries to fit into the elf performance at the gala.
01:21 Terrence reveals he always knew about Dominic's business; Dominic asks Kat to dance; end credits.
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